Friday, May 30, 2008
Encountering Elmore...Finally...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Chinese Chakkar - Pendemonium
I never thought I'd add Chinese Fountain Pens to my collection...but it so happened that I was kind of on the verge of being duped by an FP dealer who quoted an exorbitant variable rate on an FP that I had longed to buy...I did not buy it, not because I couldn't, but I strongly felt that this person was trying to con me and didn’t want to succumb...I was proved right when a fellow FP enthusiast and friend confirmed my suspicions...but I was angry and irritated at this and the next day, like a angry lover on a rebound, I went looking for this shop which stored Chinese FPs...I had visited this shop earlier, almost 2 years back, to buy an FP...I was not into collecting FPs then...I just wanted a nice looking FP...I found this very good looking metal screw cap big nibbed Hero FP and bought it...but that shopwallah also showed me the entire range of Chinese FPs that he had...I was not interested then and did not buy any more...but now that I had started collecting, I thought, why not...and went to this shop...the ownership of the shop had changed hands and another person was in charge...but they still had those Chinese FPs, not the entire range though...and I splurged...kind of retail therapy... (I added a couple of pens to that initial range...Hero 616 and Wing Sung 727 – double pen, purchased with Hari)... some of the Wing Sung FPs are really beautiful... I have dip tested all of them...and currently using 3 alternatively...all pens write least that part is taken care of... here are the photos...and the names of these pens are...first Wing Sung-s...WS 727 double pen (the one in the centre); Wing Sung 608 Blue and Wing Sung 608 Brown (on either sides of the 727); Wing Sung 606 Brown and Wing Sung 606 Blue (on either ends); and Wing Sung 603 Black lines on Blue (the one that is horizontal); then Hero-s...Hero 616 (bluish green body with the arrow clip); Hero 330 (brown body with gold coloured cap); Hero 60 (light brownish coloured body with half nib); Hero 378 (steel cap with black body and big full Nib); Hero 27A (silver coloured body and cap with full nib); Hero 2C blue; Hero 2C gold...
A beautiful looking 14kt gold nib Jinhao has also been since added to the Chinese range…I tried taking photographs of the Jinhao yesterday, the results were not so good…will have to do it patiently…I will be getting 2 more Hero-s…Hari has bought an integrated nib Hero FP along with a Hero 329 FP for me in Bangalore…he will be coming to Hyderabad shortly…but, I have seen this integrated nib Hero FP and it is really interesting…wonder what they will come up with next…
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ad using Fountain Pens...aiyyam laiking eet...
I don’t remember any other ad that uses the ‘use’ part of fountain pens so well…It is a nostalgic ad and it brings a smile on my face every time I see it…I hope this ad promotes and provokes interest in fountain pens…or Vodafone chaps should offer a FP along with every mobile connection…ha ha ha…
Monday, May 26, 2008
Some pleasant surprises...
Hi all…
At last…I’ve managed to come out of the monotony of correcting answer scripts…I can breathe easy now…but you can never say when some new chore would come up… anyway, some heartening news came my way towards the end of last week…one of my research papers has been accepted for publication and I am happy about it…it will be published in Translation Today in their next issue…this journal also has an online version…very good articles on various aspects of translation studies…Translation Today is published by Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, National Book Trust, and Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi…and this publication will be a good testimonial for me…and the other surprise was a fabulous catalogue from Fountain Pen Hospital…I don’t really know whether I’d asked them for a catalogue, but there it was in the mail box…you can’t help drooling over all those wonderful photos of some of the most beautiful fountain pens in the world…I know I can afford only some of the basic models, but all the same, being a novice FP collector, it is good to know that this writing tool has so many international variants and designs…I encountered some names for the first time in the catalogue… Krone… Montegrappa… Taccia… Libelle… Tibaldi… Aquila … Grayson Tighe … Signum…Monteverde… and such beautiful pens…I must have browsed the catalogue at least 5 times now, and still haven’t had my fill…
On the reading front…I am reading Shantaram now…a few pages at a time…but it is engrossing…I didn’t have the time to go full blast, but now I will…for those of you who have read Maximum City, many sights and sounds described by Gregory David Roberts will be familiar…I am not comparing these two books, but Bombay is the soul of both books…that all embracing all welcoming quality that no other city in India has…or maybe nobody has so far explored any other city with such passion as many people have explored Bombay …
Till next time then…
Thursday, May 22, 2008
to check out what happened during the interim period...
I digressed...well...on the FP front, I got a real friend Anuradha got (gifted) me a Jinhao Gold Nib FP from China, where she was posted for almost a is exquisite...the box and packaging is so good that you feel that the FP is only an afterthought...anyway...this is my second gold nib FP after the personalised Ratnam 302...I will post pictures soon...the camera is with Shruti and she is on her vacation...I also bought a black Lamy Safari, A yellow translucent Pelikano Junior, and Pelikan P56...these are all plastic bodied FPs...but I bought them all the same...1. for the sake of representation, as I cannot afford the more expensive and classier Lamy and Pelikan models, and 2. I read a lot of reviews on FPN on these pens and they were good...and felt 'why not'... I also bought a lot of inks...I had only Parker-Quink permanent black and blue colour I went to Deccan Pen Stores at Secunderabad and bought around 8 different colours - Turquoise Blue, Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue, Permanent Black, Washable Royal Blue, Crimson Violet (all Chelpark) and an unusual colour and name Laurel Rose from Bril...So, now, I have managed to fill up the ink space becoming a real FP addict...not nice, beta...I have also done up the extreme end of our glass shuttered book case into a FP case...looks good now...I have showcased my faves here...I think, I am doing this to show off...hopefully not...I will post pictures of this too...
Till then...ciao...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Diary of an evening hunting fountain pens with Hari in Hyderabad - Part III - Postscript
This is part III of the Legendary Series of Reminiscences on that memorable Monday Evening in Hyderabad…
So much for grand openings…this is more in the form of a postscript…and also to fulfil the promise I made in part I that there would be part II and III…and Hari responded saying that he is looking forward to part III…
After I posted part I, I mailed Hari asking him to see whether my memory had served me well…he had comments on both part I and II and I realised how I had floundered ... he also asked me whether I could edit the posts to make the changes … I thought about it and felt that they should stand as they are as a testimony to my fluctuating concentration or attention span… Hari was actually giving me a detailed commentary on the pens that we saw that evening … I thought the term ‘no nonsense’ pen for the Sheaffer FP that he gave me was Hari’s creation … and mentioned this in part I, because whenever he said it, there was a smile on his face…it is such a straightforward pen that I thought Sheaffer did not bother to give it any fancy name and ‘no nonsense’ was an apt name for this pen and not unlikely for an FP expert like Hari to refer to this pen by this name … and I did not see this pen anywhere in their catalogue… Hari pointed this out to me saying that these pens are indeed called ‘no nonsense’ pens for their ‘no nonsense’ functioning… I should have checked on the Internet…I did so subsequently and discovered that this Sheaffer FP was indeed called ‘No Nonsense’ pen and many brief reviews commended these pens for their writing quality… and I read a description of this pen on the Internet that says …“The nice thing about No Nonsense pens is that they truly are no nonsense pens and write first time, every time, very reliable.” … of course, these pens are not that easily available in the market, and I happily discovered that the pen that accompanies the Sheaffer beginner’s calligraphy set that I have is actually the ‘No Nonsense’...
There are some more corrections to be made … again Hari pointed them out … the Hero FP I purchased that day is not Hero 100 but Hero 616 which has a steel nib… it is engraved on the cap…I should’ve checked, no? …and it is a clone of Parker 51… the Hero 100 actually has a gold nib and is a clone of Parker 61 … that means I was not paying attention … the Wing Sung now… I had written that I had forgotten the name of the model of which this Wing Sung is an imitation … again, Hari has helpfully pointed out that this Wing Sung’s encircled nib or round nib is a direct imitation of the Sheaffer’s Triumph Nib and he also added something, which is pretty obvious about this pen and which I had overlooked …this Wing Sung is known commonly as the ‘double’ pen because the special thing about this pen is that it also has a mini ball pen at the barrel end ...
I had, in a cavalier fashion, mentioned that we saw a gold-plated Parker Sonnet FP with a gold nib…without mentioning the name of the model… Hari had told me the name, and again I was not paying attention…Hari says, “The Sonnet that we saw was the Cascade model and it has a solid 18K gold nib”… and the other ‘sober’ looking Parker model that Hari had suggested that I buy is Parker Sonnet Fougere… he had mentioned this too… …I should have taken down all these details… I feel suitably embarrassed…for making so many mistakes… and I also feel happy that if Hari hadn’t pointed out all these to me, I would have remained ignorant of the errors that I’d made…now, hopefully, these will stay stronger and longer in my memory…
Thanks Hari … I am a willing student when it comes to learning more about FPs … be my teacher …
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Diary of an evening hunting fountain pens with Hari in Hyderabad - Part II
Continuing from where I left off in the last post...
This was one of the memorable days when I just let myself go...and indulged in my hobby... thanks a lot Hari...hope to see you in Hyderabad more often...