28 December 2012 will remain a memorable day for me...my first book, the English translation of an early Kannada novel,
Chandramukhiya Ghatavu, was released on that day in Shimoga...in many ways a dream- come-true occasion for me...the book is published by Abhiruchi Prakashana, Shimoga and my teacher
Prof C S Nanjundaiah (formerly Principal, DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga) facilitated the publication...the book was released by
Prof T P Ashoka (L B College, Sagar), one of the pre-eminent literary critics writing in Kannada today...Prof Ashoka was someone we idolised in our college days in Shimoga and it was indeed an honour for me that he agreed to release my first book...
Prof M S Nagaraja Rao, my teacher, and who now calls me his friend, introduced me to the small audience in his own inimitable style...and the function was held in Kuvempu Sabhangana in Kamala Nehru College...as students I had attended many literary functions in this hall and I had never dreamt that one day my book would be released in the same hall...and everything fell into place and the book was released in the presence of my parents, Shruti, Sudhriti, my sister-in-law Shuba, nephew Tejaswi, some of my earliest Shimogan friends and classmates, my teachers, fellow academics, and family friends...
Prof Ashoka spoke with erudition about the contexts and contents of the book and its current avatar in English...I will now direct you to a report of the book release which appeared in the Mangalore edition of
The Hindu the next day, and this report gives a nice summary of Prof Ashoka's talk...(but funnily, I am snipped out of the photograph, though my name appears in the photo caption...)
and here are some photographs of the function...
Prof C S Nanjundaiah welcoming guests and audience |
Prof M S Nagaraja Rao introducing me to the audience |
Prof T P Ashoka releasing the book |
All on stage with the released book |
Another view of the previous |
Prof Ashoka speaks |
A lighter moment on the dais |
That's me speaking... |
Prof U H Ganesh, who presided over the function, speaks... |
The small gathering...
Prof Nanjundaiah giving me a memento...
Prof Manjunath proposing the vote of thanks...
A photo of the cover page of the book would have been useful...
Thanks for visiting, Dunkin... Yeah...I realised it while I was uploading photos while at college...let me see if I can get the cover scanned, else I will photograph it...
Congratulations Jai, though very belated...
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