Thursday, June 25, 2020

Translating K V Tirumalesh's poems...From the banks of Osman Sagar...Osman Saagarada Dandeyinda...

Hi all...this is another Hyderabad poem of K V Tirumalesh Sir...I translated it as part of my Tirumalesh's Hyderabad Poems project...all these translations were done in the second half of last year...this is "Osman Saagarada Dandeyinda"... from his collection 'Avadha'...

From the banks of Osman Sagar

With such fierce focus, O young man,
what are you looking at? 
The proverbial footsteps of the fish or
the mysterious inner pathways of the
girl you are in love with?

What form would the broken images take
floating in from the stirrings of the restless lake.
Just like you
I’m waiting too
with bated breath.

when the waves rest
and things are clear,
would we have forgotten
who we are?


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