Monday, February 18, 2013

Hammett & Chandler - Memorable First Catch of 2013 @ Best Books Sale, YMCA, Secunderabad

Usually the Best Books people send mobile messages to their regular clients, and I usually get one announcing their sale, usually at YMCA, Secunderabad and I have written posts about the books I bought at their sales...but this time I didn’t get any message and it was through Vinod’s post that I got to know of their early-year sale...I had just returned from Bangalore that morning and had read Vinod’s post and decided to drop in at YMCA in the evening...I had to really struggle hard at their previous sale to put together a collection of 3-4 with great optimism, I entered the sale hall...after around 10 minutes I realised that this time too was not going to be any different...I was really struggling...I found a couple of books interesting, but I realised that I was really stretching my ‘interest quotient’... then I stumbled across a Dashiell Hammett title...Dashiell Hammett is considered the pioneer of ‘hard boiled’ crime fiction writing and I knew that he had written The Maltese Falcon and had also seen the movie based on the story...but I hadn’t read any Dashiell Hammett novel or story before and I picked it up eagerly... Red Harvest...

And then I saw some more Dashiell Hammetts...a novel called The Dain Curse and a collection of short stories called The Continental Op...and another novel called The Thin Man...I read the blurbs on all the novels and discovered that Red Harvest, The Dain Curse and The Continental Op featured a private investigator just called Continental Op (short for ‘Operative’), and has no other name (and is employed as an operative of the Continental Detective Agency’s office in San Francisco...) and the blurb on The Thin Man said that the novel featured the detective couple Nick and Nora Charles...and that the novel was also a kind of ‘comedy of manners’ apart from being a mystery novel...and this did not excite me very was not ‘hard-boiled’ enough...he he...but, after reading about Dashiell Hammett on Wikipedia, I now feel I should have picked up The Thin Man...but I might not get it again...I know...anyway, Wikipedia also told me that Red Harvest and The Dain Curse are not strictly novels, but more like ‘linked stories’... I am eager to see how the ‘linked stories’ concept works out...but for starters, I began reading the short story collection The Continental Op...

Anyway, from one crime fiction writer to another...or rather, from Continental Op to Philip Marlowe...I then found Raymond Chandler’s Farewell, My Lovely...I thought it was lovely, finding novels of Hammett and Chandler, the early purveyors of ‘hard-boiled’ crime fiction, at the same time in the same place...Continental Op and Philip Marlowe...I wish I had found The Maltese Falcon...then, we would have had Sam Spade too... so, all in all, the going was good so far...I thought enough was enough...and I should get going now...and as I walking past shelves to the check-out counter, I noticed John le Carre’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, which was on my wishlist for a long time...and the catch came to five books...3 Hammetts, 1 Chandler, and 1 le Carré...

And at the counter, I told the proprietor, more as an observation, that the rates of books have increased since the last sale (Hammetts and Chandlers were priced at Rs.150 each)...and he looked at the books I had selected and said... “Sir, it is difficult to get Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler novels...these books are at least in good condition, I have sold Hammetts and Chandlers in worse condition for higher prices...these are the last ones in my stock”...and that settled the matter...ha ha ha...

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